Compensation Law

Compensation Law is a branch of law regulating the claims for determining material and moral damages caused by both legal actions and wrongful acts including negligence, and the claims for reparation of damages and losses arising thereof.

Within the scope of Compensation Law, our Law Office renders the following services;

  1. Bringing into action and following-up the demands for material and moral indemnities resulting from breaches of contract,

  2. Bringing into action and following-up the demands for material and moral indemnities resulting from such criminal actions as "insult" and "calumny" regulated within the Criminal Law,

  3. Bringing into action and following-up the demands for material and moral indemnities arising from traffic accidents,

  4. Bringing into action and following-up the demands for material and moral indemnities resulting from wrongful actions,

  5. Services in the sphere of such issues as taking legal actions against natural and legal persons, who are responsible for actions, which give the right to demand material and/or moral indemnity.