Our Clients

Our office offers services to all clients, natural and legal persons in from Turkey and abroad.

Our law office presents to its clients in Turkey and in our region both legal consultations and advocacy services in many branches of law.

Foreign real persons, who have settled in Turkey or who have the intention of settling here, and legal persons, who have already made investments in Turkey or who have the intention of making investments constitute another part of our client group we address to.

Turkish citizens who live in a foreign country and who have established their life in another country out of Turkey and all our citizens who have obtained double nationality through gaining the nationality of the country they live in represent another important client group, which our law office renders services to.

In order to protect those, who came to Turkey as a foreign country or who wish to settle down here, and Turkish citizens who went to a foreign country and settled there, from juridical problems experienced within our country, we are ready to offer all infrastructure and capabilities we have to our clients.